I was take into the dungeons beaten, tortured and whipped. Just before sunset, I was taken in front of the Duke.

King Patrick asks, "What crime were you guilty of to be treated so?"

Justin is quick to say, "Love sire, his love for Isabel was the only offense the Duke cared about."

Jeremiah says, "The Duke wished Isabel to marry his son, even though the boy was four years her junior. When the priestess informed him that it cannot happen, I believe he murdered her then."

Michael the Captain of the guards has arrived, he kneels before the King and as the King gestures him to rise. He asked, "Sire may, I inform you what occurred? I was witness to the murder." The king simply shakes his head yes and signals for him to continue. "The priestess approached the Duke with great humility, showing the proper respect to the Duke. She informed him that a marriage could not occur with his son and Isabel. He demanded to know why, when she informed him, Aphrodite chose Julius and Isabel for each other. He flew into a rage and killed the priestess. He then went to the temple of Aphrodite, and demanded the priestess there performed the ceremony between his son and Isabel, when they refused he ordered the entire temple to be cleared. He killed every person within the temple walls." 

The Captain is actually shaking he says, "Forgive me Goddess, he forced me to kill saying if I did not he would kill me on the spot, then enjoy my wife and daughters." He can no longer hold back his tears and they fall upon his cheeks. His voice shakes now as he continues, "He forced me to arrest Duke Julius, for the young mages part he agreed not to struggle to save my family. I knew the magical restraints placed upon him did not truly hold him, his word did. The Duke chained him to his carriage, even in that moment he sought to protect the innocent of the city. He warned us that justice of the gods would come at sunset. 

The Duke was going to have a trial, already decided Julius guilty, and his death would come on the next full moon. Isabel given to his son for his first, once he was through with her the Duke was going to use her. During the few last years, he is quietly been taking girls for his pleasure. Even I did not know of this, I only knew a girl would disappear once in a great while. I sent a runner to you yesterday morning once I learned of the Duke’s crimes, only to find a runner dead a short way into the countryside yesterday afternoon."

The King nods his head, and I moved to the Captain side, place my hand upon his shoulder I turn to the King and request, "Given the circumstances my King, I wish the Captain of the guard pardoned of any crime committed under the order of the former Duke."

King Patrick turns to me focus solely on my face he asks, "Why would you wish his pardon? He killed innocents at the order of the former Duke."

Again, I say what is in my heart choosing to follow it, "If it was not for the Duke holding the Captain’s wife and children I believe he would struck the Duke down for his crimes, only his love and fear held him back. He knew if the Duke died in the attempt, the Duke’s sons was as wicked as his father was. Even the justice of the gods found him not guilty; he walked out of the city along with all the righteous. He is done what he could to defend them."

The King begins laughing, for some reason I did not fear his reaction. The Captain on the other hand I can feel shake under my hand. The King raises his hand and says, "Not only have I found a new Duke for this duchy, but a wise advisor. You speak with much wisdom for a young man. You are pardon my Captain serve your Duke well."

Some of the clan’s men have returned with three rugs, not quite the size of our rug, but large enough for a family, with tents and some cargo to ride upon. The rugs could easily cover a normal wagon bed. I think to myself, possibly, we can use the crates of holding. Crates of holding look like a normal freight container on the outside, to foot-wide, two foot high and four foot long, however the interior of the crate once enchanted is twenty foot wide by twenty’ high, by forty foot long. Even three or four this crates could carry most of the clan’s goods.

Isabel moves close, and I could feel that she wishes to attempt the enchantment on one of the rugs; it is not something beginning apprentices should be capable of achieving. However, sometimes those lessons best found out, than explained. Justin has the book of enchantments, and he is explaining it to Isabel. 

Taking my leave of the King I walk over to my betrothed. I ask, "Isabel do you wish to try to enchant a carpet? Remember it is not an easy thing to do, I failed that in my first three attempts, and only with the strength you granted me was able."

Isabel shakes her head and says, "We will not be ready to leave until tomorrow, now the clan packs for our trip with all haste. They will continue into the night, come the rising sun we will be ready to leave if we have enough carpets."

I shake my head yes, Isabel continues, "I wish to attempt the enchantment, but I understand I will have to learn much before I do. Perhaps I can afford carpets once we reach our destination to attempt the enchantment upon later."

I pull her into a hug and whisper into her ear, "I am in so much trouble, because you are smarter than I am. I destroyed the first rug I attempted the enchantment on because I did not see that I was not ready." Isabel giggles, and gives me a kiss on the cheek. That does not cause us to light up but I love the feeling.

When she finally looks into my face she says, "Do not forget that I love you, when I become frustrated because I am somewhat smarter than you are."

With a chuckle I return, "Do not forget that I love you too, even if I do frustrate you a little."

I had not noticed that the King had stepped closer, overhearing he chuckles, "Truly a wise man, my young Duke."

Justin chuckles and says, "I do not know about wise your Majesty, anytime there is trouble he keeps running straight into it."

I blush but Isabel giggles, "He would not have saved me if not. Perhaps there is some wisdom in his bravery it has made in blessed by the gods."

The King says, "The gods do love heroes. Also, be cautious young Duke. There are forces in this world that would seek your death just because the gods favor you."

I say, "I will remember that my King. Now that I have something that I would fear my failure would harm, Isabel is more precious to me than my own life. If I fail, I endanger the city and that is unacceptable."

Isabel states, "Just remember if either of us fall in battle, we both die."

Looking into Isabel’s beautiful eyes I say, "I know, and if there is any other way, we should avoid fighting."

King Patrick says, "That is wisdom that takes many years to learn for most. Many see combat as a quick way to power, glory and wealth."

Justin chuckles, "Apparently, Julius has found all that in the arms of his betrothed. Even a journeyman mage that he is, he now has more power than many masters do with Isabel at his side. As for glory he never cared for such foolishness, wealth well if you would see his dowries, you would know he does not worry for such."

As Justin and the King talk, I pull Isabel over and we begin enchanting the three carpets we have. It does not take very long to enchant the smaller carpets. Apparently, the King had stopped to watch along with many others. Justin checks each carpet once we finished smiling brightly he says, "The enchantments on these are even stronger, I doubt they will ever fade."

Isabel smiles and says, "They will follow father’s directions, and if he appoints another they will follow their directions."

Jeremiah smiles and ask, "If I wish, them to follow me, they will?"

I say, "They will, if you say to them follow, if you say to them obey the one I give you to, they will obey that person’s commands. The clan can use them to ship anything they desire; the capital should be a four-hour trip upon the rug. It would be possible for someone to take cargo from here and return with new cargo within the same day."

Jeremiah smiles, "Perhaps I will make this place home, now that the clan need not move altogether to buy and sell our goods. However, those rugs could not carry so much, no more than a single wagon could."

I say, "I was thinking of that. Perhaps some enchanted crates, one that would hold nearly a barn within it."

Jeremiah’s eyes widened, "Are such things possible?"

King Patrick chuckles, "Only unto very few wizards, but yes I have a small box enchanted by a friend a long time ago. It holds my entire wardrobe when I travel."

Justin chuckles and says, "You still have that old box I made for you so many years ago?"

King Patrick slaps Justin on the shoulder and says, "Yes my old friend I do, and it still works just the way you made it. Perhaps you can make a few for the trip, I do not think this large of a group could travel through the gates your old master created. I fear their magic is beginning to wane after all these years."

Justin asks, "How is that old scoundrel, is he still up to mischief?"

King Patrick chuckles, "Worse than ever, the last thing he has been trying to accomplish is a ship that flies. Without magic on top of that, using something called technology." Justin shakes his head in disbelief.

The Captain has sent runners, he knew of our need for the carpets. Several of the servants from the keep bring a wagon holding several carpets. They carry the top one from the wagon, about the same size as ours looking at a closely I decide to reject it. The servants bring the next, which is suitable, slightly larger than ours is, at twelve paces wide and twenty-four paces long and must have come from one of the larger rooms. Isabel and I begin the enchantment, and it too creates a suitable and permanent magic carpet.

There is another carpet the same size, before we enchant it Isabel and I need some time to rest, the four rugs we have enchanted so far seem to taken a toll along with this morning. I find myself very fatigued and perhaps a short nap would be in order. Taking the new robes Isabel and I go to the tent of her father. Her mother meets us at the entrance, pulls us back to a table and orders us to eat.

The food is good although Isabel is not very impressed, she asks, "Is it Christina’s time to cook?" I later found out Chris was short for Christina Isabel’s younger sister.

Isabel’s mother giggles and says, "Yes, I made sure Chris followed the recipes. I did not let her add any more of those weird spices."

Isabel giggles, "That explains why is rather bland, the spices she adds is not the problem, the problem is she does not know the proper amount to add."

A young girl much like Isabel, the same blue eyes and black hair finally comes to the table. Setting across from her sister, she questions, "Then sister are you going to teach me how to do it properly?"

Isabel says a little smugly, "I do not know if I will have time, Chris. What with be in a duchess, and having to learn magic."

The girl of possibly ten sticks her tongue out at her older sister, causing Rebecca to giggle. Rebecca says, "Did you see Isabel can glow?"

Christina looks at her sister and says, "Of course she can glow. She has outshined everybody around here for years."

Isabel simply leans into me and we kiss, of course, we light up the tent. Now taken aback Christina says, "You really do glow."

I chuckle and say, "Christina, cooking takes practice, magic takes practice, with patients and practice you will be a great cook, you already outshine your uncle Justin." Isabel giggles and shakes her head yes, he may be a great wizard but is cooking needs a little something. "Magic and cooking have something in common they are both arts that need to be precise. In cooking, you must measure the spices, or you will have too little or too much. The result is the food will not taste right, and magic if you make an error and measure incorrectly the results can be disastrous. Practice cooking; learn from it how to measure how to be very precise to make sure the food taste exactly right."

Their mother giggles and says, "I had no idea magic and cooking had anything in common."

I smile and say, "A great meal can give you strength for days, much better than a simple spell that gives you strength for an hour. A potion mixed perfectly, is like a soufflé, both requiring patients, practice and precise measuring. Sometimes both fall short just because."

The women giggle, both Isabel and I stretch and yon both of us needing sleep. Christina opens her mouth and begins to tease, but her Uncle Justin cuts her off saying, "Unlike cooking magic wears down one strength, the rugs you have created today are as good as your first if not better. It is no wonder the two of you need a short rest, and you should for at least two and a half hours, I will wake you when it is time."

Isabel’s mother leads us to a bed, and Justin follows has Isabel and I lay down again we wrap each other in a hug this time facing each other, Isabel has her head on my shoulder. I am asleep even before I realize Justin has done another spell. 

Justin chuckles to Isabel’s mother, "They are so tired the spell is unnecessary, but it will prevent them from being awaken and giving into their hearts desires."

Much like two days before Justin awakes us, we stretch feeling rested. After going to the restroom, Isabel and I need to go to gather wood. Us two, along with her father and the Captain of the guard moves along the coast on the flying carpet. Isabel’s father comes along as chaperone, the Captain of the guard insist on coming as my protector. Not just dead wood from the forced, but Driftwood would be much better, the salt has preserved the wood, and what is above the high tide will have dried out nicely ready for our use.

I have taught Isabel the gathering spell, is simple enough and will not affect anything adversely. I can since Isabel wishing to help, and her father’s eyes go large as we fly a crossed the beaches lifting logs into a larger and larger ball as the wood merges. The ball floats along behind our carpet and imperfections fall out of the ball, such as rocks, sand, and insects.

After having more than enough with we return, I will need to read the enchantment spell as Isabel’s flies us back home. It looks like we pursued by a huge round ball of solid wood as we return. The Captain of the guards waves to stunned guardsmen as they patrolled the walls and catch sight of us. As we flew across the top of the wall he shouts down, "Get back to your patrols this is a site you probably will see again."

Stunned faces look skyward as we crossed the city, landing outside of the Plaza I leave the ball fifty feet in the air. It hangs there like a mini moon, as adults and children alike stare and point at it. Justin asks, "Did you bring all the Driftwood from the entire coast?"

I chuckle and say, "No about ten miles up the coast was a deserted beach with a great deal of wood. No one was near that section of beach; no one travels that far too get the Driftwood."

The King chuckles and asks, "I believe that must be far more than enough for a few crates, what would you do with the rest?"

I bow to the King and ask, "I am uncertain sire, I am sure if someone has a need we may be able to accomplish some good."

The King suggests, "How about some park benches, my poor feet are beginning to swell. I have not stood this long in a decade."

I pull off a piece of the wood, it forms into a tiny ball compared to the original, and it swirls around until it begins to come into the shape of a chair. Grass from distant fields flies overhead merges, become cushioning, spider webs transforming into silk, and cover the chair. The silk takes the color of Isabel’s eyes but the center of the back has the Royal crest. The chair comes to rest in front of King Patrick who grins as he sets down. A sigh escapes his lips, as a smile covers his face. He turns the chair to watch us. Isabel is a quick study, and she has created an ottoman matching the chair it floats down and slides in front of the King. The king quickly puts his feet up onto the ottoman.

I pull up additional would and create two more benches; I set them down on either side of the King. One of the Knights request that I place of barrier behind the chair to protect the King. Justin ways me away saying, "You get back to the crates. I will make something to protect the King’s backside."

Isabel and I set about the task of creating the crates, in the air, we form huge boxes, and the amount of wood slightly depleted with each box. After the boxes fully formed, we began the enchanting process, the box dissents as it begins to shrink in size. With a box comes to rest it is that artfully carved, with four handles so that two men can easily carry it. No matter what you place in it, it will always waive the same about five stones. The boxes closed and on the top of the lid is the symbol for house Morgan. 

Jeremiah is at his daughter shoulder and ask, "Did it work?" Other than the delicate carving, you would never expect this to be anything more than a shipping crate, with the symbol of house Morgan carved as a relief on its lid.

I say, "Let us find out. Jeremiah, if you would touch the symbol for house Morgan to open the crate, we may check."

Like the dowry box, no seam or joint is visible until activating the lock. As Jeremiah lays his hand flat on the carving, the box lid slides back and then tilts up revealing an open box that appears deeper and wider than what it possibly could be. I had fished out a copper coin from the coin purse thrown to me earlier. I dropped the coin in. It seemed to take an impossibly long time to cover the short distance to the bottom of the box. By the time it does reach the bottom, it appears impossibly small.

I tell Jeremiah, be sure to use ropes to lower each item down to the bottom, men can climb down the ropes to move cargo around inside the box. However, this is very important; do not allow anyone to remain in the box once the lid is closed. Nothing inside the box will age once the lid is in place. The tome that describes the enchantment, warns not to place any living thing in a closed box, to do so will stop it from aging, resulting in its death. So be very careful, even closing the lid for an instant will result in death to anyone or anything within the box.

Jeremiah shakes his head yes, understanding my warning he asked, "How may I close the box?"

 I tell him, "By placing your hand on the lid in the same way. Only the person who opened the box may close it. It would be a good idea for the person who opened the box be the first in and the last out of the box before the lid is closed. That would prevent any accidental closing of the lid. Other than that, anyone who is a member of house Morgan can open the lid and close it."

Isabel warns, "Daddy be very careful about Rebecca and some of the other children, you know how they love to hide. If they hide in a box that gets placed inside of one of the crates, it would surely mean they would die."

Jeremiah in a serious voice says, "I will definitely have to warn them, that from now on during the packing process they are not the hide in any box or crate. I will ensure that each box and crates are inspected prior their placement in this thing."

After a moment’s reflection Jeremiah asked, "You mean if I place hot bread inside the box, and opened it a week later the bread still be hot and fresh."

I say, "From the writings in the book, it would not matter how long. Whenever you open the crate, the bread would be hot fresh and ready to eat just as you had placed it inside the crate. Anything not living will be in the same condition unchanged from the instant the lid closed."

The King asks, "You mean wheat from years when we have far more than enough with keep for decades until we have years of famine."

Shaking my head yes I say, "Even until the magic within the box is fully expired, at that point the box would simply fall apart and anything within would spilled outward unchanged, if that was a year or a thousand. The only problem would be if you had it in a room too small to hold whatever was inside the crate, without sufficient room it would break down the walls taken up as much room as it originally took up in this world."

The King thinks for a moment and asks, "Could I have a dozen? I understand their drawbacks. However, I see the use of such a wonderful creation. We could store up a few years of grain, then during times of need feed the people."

Jeremiah says, "Additionally, with the carpets, the grain can be quickly taken to whichever duchy that has the need."

King Patrick says, "Even in some good years for most of the duchies some have shortages, sometimes because a crop fails from a storm, with the carpets in your help my good friend, house Morgan I will hire you to distribute food, enough to fill the granary of the affected duchy."

Jeremiah bowing says to the King, "It would be the honor of house Morgan to assist the King."

The King being a wise man himself knows how to negotiate. "I am sure with a couple of these crates and the carpets Duke Julius and Duchess Isabel has created, you would find more than enough room for any shipment I would require of you, plus any for your business my friend."

Jeremiah did not get to be a rich merchant by just giving favors away, but he knows the value of having the King in debt to you for a favor. Jeremiah says, "During any true emergency, the King may call upon house Morgan, and we will be at his disposal. Because it would be so inexpensive to move cargo, I would only require the cost for packing and unpacking at the place of delivery."

The King smiles and extends his hand, as they shake the King says, "Done, when we return to the capital I will have the finalized contracts made up. I will try not to keep you too busy my friend."

Isabel and I go back to creating another box, Isabel contributes her strength to me and again we create another two boxes for house Morgan. When we finish we are too exhausted to continue. Justin had enchanted one more rug, after we take break and getting something to eat Isabel and I have the rug from the main hall unfurled. It still possesses the bloodstains from the priestess and myself, Justin begins the spell to clean away the stains. The blood vanishes leaving the carpet unharmed. Isabel again lends me her strength, I begin the enchantment for this large rug, unlike the others this seems to take forever, and by the time we are finished we know that we can do no more enchanting this day.

After our breakfast, I had changed into the new robes given to me by the merchant. With the exertions of the day, a new set of robes would be in order, especially for my wedding tomorrow evening. A couple of the guards come by, they hand me several large purses, smiling they say this is your spoils from the guards that fell last night. I weigh the purses in my hand, then hand two back saying, "Give five gold pieces unto any widow who lost her husband last night, see me if it is not enough."

The guards smile and the Lieutenant says, "Yes my Duke." They depart on their way to assist the citizens of Isabel’s and my new home.

Isabel and I have to make a few errands, now that we are no longer busy enchanting crates and carpets, having enough for the clan to move tomorrow, anything we plan not to take can remain in the keep until the clan returns in a few days.

Justin asks, "Did you to forget something?" As he pointing at the now, six foot round spear of wood still floating in the air. 

It probably does not have enough wood to create another box, at least not as large as the three we have created so far. However, it is something that we could use later, but I have so little magic left that to do anything other than to allow it to dissent gently to the ground would be too great of an effort to accomplish. I slowly allow it to settle to earth, causing it to flatten on one side so it will not roll and possibly hurt someone. It is then that I realized how much effort has gone into levitating it. We sigh at the reduce effort. That is something we will have to remember, it takes less effort to work with a block once set on the ground.

First, we go to the cobbler with Rebecca coming along as chaperone again. The cobbler measures both our feet checking on the fine leather he has in the styles he shows to Isabel, when she decides on a shoe he shows a matching version for me, I am rather easy when it comes to shoes they just have to protect my feet. The cobbler begins his work and tells us to come back in an hour so he can check to see if the fitting will be correct then finish the shoes by tomorrow morning.

Arriving at the dressmaker shop, which is next door to the men’s apparel shop, Isabel and I separate, I give Isabel one of the coin purses, her and Rebecca going to dress shop and me going to the men’s apparel. 

The tailor has me wash in a small bathing room he has, and I quickly cleaned myself of the stresses from today. I did not realize how awful I smelled until I was clean. Once finished, the tailor did not even allow me to dress before he began measuring me for my new clothing. He said he would work through the night to have them finished for tomorrow. He had some previous finished clothing that would work for tonight. Something I preferred anyway it was a bit more informal.

Arriving on the street, the Captain of the guard is there with an attractive woman and two lovely young girls. The two girls come to me and hug me saying, "You are the Duke who saved Daddy. Thank you."

I chuckle and say, "Michael’s good heart had already saved him. I just simply pointed out the fact, it was a decision the King had already come to on his own. It is only now that I realize he was testing me."

The Captain of the guard says, "He may have been testing you, he may have decided I was innocent, but it was you who asked for my pardon. You stood up for me. It is not something I will ever forget."

Michael thinks he owes me for what I did today, but I need to remind him of what he done in the past. I say, "Remember when you were younger, and a scared young boy leaned on you, I took strength in your calm hand on my shoulder. If you had not, I probably would not have the strength to identify those who murdered my father and mother. I did no less for you, than you had done for me. I will never forget your kindness to a young slave."

Juliet Michael’s wife says, "That was the day I fell in love with him, it took me a while to get his attention and then to finally let him catch me. I knew what a good father he would be from the way he treated you."

Michael smiles and pulls his wife close, his two daughters turned back to me and ask, "Can we really go on your carpet, Daddy said you promised us a ride."

Michael chuckles still holding his wife he asks, "My Duke, it would be traditional if the Captain of the guard joined you on any visit to the Capital. I doubt we would need any other than the strong man from house Morgan for your protection, but I do wish to go to stand at your side." 

I say, "Well I guess if you pack by the morning, we should find a place for four more."

The girls squealing causes Isabel and Rebecca to laugh as they return from the dress shop, Isabel is wearing a new dress it accents her figure beautifully. I do realize what a lucky man I am, for at that moment, her beauty stunned me yet again. I moved to her and take her into my arms smiling as I look into her eyes. Rebecca holds two other dresses, one obviously longer than what she can wear.

The Captain clearing his throat reminds us that we are in the public eye, and we should behave ourselves accordingly. Having our attention he says, "I understand you have an appointment with Edmund the cobbler, he will need to see you before he can finish your new shoes."

I say, "It would be rude of me to keep Edmund waiting, especially because he has refused payment." The seven of us walked back to the cobbler’s shop, and I sent the Captain and his family on to pack for the trip, the clan is not so large that with the crates that we should not find seating for the Captain and his family.

The cobbler makes quick work of the shoes and I wonder at how fast the man’s hands can actually work. He has the soles on the shoes completed in a matter of minutes. Isabel and I walk out with new stockings and new shoes that fit like gloves. 

On reentering the tent of house Morgan I am ushered to a divided section, a small bed is set up against the curtain; I could hear Isabel’s voice on the other side. Isabel saying, "We are bonded and cannot be separated, to do so would be death for the both of us."

Her mother says, "He is just on the other side of the curtain, surely that is not enough separation to affect your bonding."

There is a slit in the curtain and I reach my hand through finding Isabel’s hand as she sets on the bed. I think we both shivered at making contact. Our fingers laced together, and I can feel Isabel’s lips on the back of my hand as she lifts it to her lips. Her mother says, "There, we even thought of that. The tradition says you do not get to see him on your wedding day. We will bend that just enough for you to see his hand and hold it."

This is going to be a longest night of my life, followed by the longest day.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories: 




